Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Belle's Double

 They say that everyone has a double somewhere and I wonder if it is the same with dogs.  Two of these photos are of our old Belle Starr, who passed last year.  The other two are of Chloe.  Seeing Chloe made me a little sad, but also happy that another dog is out there that looks like her and is loved by her family!  Here is the email about Chloe:

I contacted you some years ago when I first saw pictures of Belle on your website because she looked exactly like my dog Chloe. Chloe was a stray pup when we found her. She is 14 years old now and still very healthy, going strong and kills mice whenever we get her out to the woods. She attacked a 30 lb possum once and tossed it in the air like it was a rag doll.
I was just wondering how old Belle lived to (she was a few years older than Chloe, I'm guessing she may have passed on) and how feists tend to do in old age in general. Chloe has some cataracts, and "I'm old so I do what I want" syndrome.
Well wishes to you and your dogs. 

-Kelley Nesemeier

Belle did get a little confused as she got older.  When we moved to the Meadow, we still had the Galla Creek house (we still own it today) we would look for her to find her back over on Galla Creek Lane on her old front porch, but after a while she got used to being over here.  She made it to almost 14 and we loved every year we had with her.  Miss her a lot tonight!

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