Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ethan Fulgham's Paisley

Paisley is one of the Bonnie Sue Parker/Shooter
pups. She is just 2 months old. Ethan Fulgham of
Mississippi owns her. His dad, Kevin, is trying to
help him train her. Below the photos, you can read
about her adventure in the park full of squirrels.
One went in the hole in the tree....she chewed at
where the scent was and tryed to go in after it!
In a couple of months she will be bigger and
better. Read Kevins email below the pictures.

Hints to help with a pup--
1. Try to teach them to speak. It is an important
skill for them to learn.
2. Hide things like pieces of hotdogs and let them hunt
with their nose and find them. It is a fun little game for
a pup.
3. Do like Kevin and take them to parks and woods,
but don't expect too much from a real young pup as
that little squirrel is almost bigger than the pup.
4. Teach the pup to come to you when you want them
to. Some folks train them to come to a whistle.
5. Try teaching fetch, it is a hard skill for a young pup
and if the pup gets it...this shows high intelligence.
6. Remember 3 to 5 minutes is the amount of time
that a lesson should be!

Today I took her to a local park that is full of squirrel.
This was really her first encounter with the furry tail
creature. This morning she barked at one but did not
really know what she was barking at but this evening
she had her nose to the ground. I'd take her to a tree
that I saw a squirrel on and she would sniff sniff and
then take interest in the tree. She chewed on one tree
right where the squirrel had been sitting. On another
she started digging at the base of a hollow tree where
the squirrel have been entering. I am hoping this is a
good sign of things to come.

She still does not seem to want to take chase at the
squirrel but I don't think she knows to at this time.
Here are some pics I took this afternoon. On one you'll
see a squirrel at the base of a tree and then you'll see
her chewing on the tree at the same location. On the
other she is trying to get up inside the tree.

More from Kevin--
At two months old I feel as if she is doing ok.
I'll try the hot dog the next time we go out.
I do have her fetching somewhat, she will go
after it hard but bring it back is not always on
her mind.
Thanks for the reply and Clinton is getting more
and more excited, I bought him a BB gun for his
birthday last week so now he thinks he's a hunter. lol
He's actually a pretty good shot, don't tell Ethan but
Clinton may be a better shot.
(Note from Renfroes--Kevin recently went on a
mission trip with his Baptist Church to the Ukraine)
By the way I got back from Ukraine last Saturday
and I think we should start a Galla Creek Kennel Ukraine
branch. I found a stray dog that kept coming in the
church and the pastor said he called him Baptist.
Then an hour later I found us some red squirrel.

Kevin Fulgham--September 27, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
