Saturday, July 14, 2007


Reuben is the male pup out of Jim E Sue
and Spud that we did not sell. We love him
as he is as smart as his Aunt Belle. He uses
his nose to find anything we hide when playing
'hide and seek'. He will bark on command and
when we don't do what he wants he really
barks without any command. He loves coming
in the house for a visit. He has stolen my sock
here and is playing 'keep away'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry, I enlarged the picture and those eyes caught my attention. Reu has mischief in that look. He has looks, good blood behind him, and marked up very nice. For a bonus he has a head full of sense. He should be an early starter, one that should be able to be singled out alone and learn very quickly. With your training, patience, and his natural bred ability Reu will make a dandy squirrel dog!