Sunday, August 26, 2007


Ralph Childers of Marion, North Carolina (western part) sent us this
photo of his Feist, Killer. They bought Killer at a flea marker near their
home and wonder if he is a full Feist. They thought he looked like Opal.
He has the look of the Wilkerson Snowball Feists to me. He is a great dog
and they are proud to have him!


Anonymous said...

It looks like a feist to me!
Snowball at that, just look at the pictures.


Anonymous said...

Sad to report that almost exactly 3 years to the date that we submitted this picture of our beloved Killer, he was killed today :( He was tied in our yard and attacked by a Boxer. The injuries were so severe that we had no other option that to put him down. RIP Killer.