Thursday, September 08, 2011

Wayne Hawkin's Catapla Tree

Wayne Hawkins gave me this Catalpa tree. We brought it from Tennessee when we met Wayne there last year. We kept it in a pot and watered it all last winter. Betty set it out this spring. When the weather got hot and dry she carried water to the tree saying, "I can't let ole Wayne Hawkins die of thirst". The tree is doing great! How long before I can get some of those worms off it?


Anonymous said...

I have not seen a worm on a Catapla tree since I was a kid. I know where lots of trees are. The stuff they spray for skeeters here in town must kill them all. As a kid I collected lots of them for catfishing. Many times we would freeze them in the old cardboard milk cartons. Guess I'm telling my age by the cardboard milk cartons. They are a great fish bait.


Ray said...

Your tree looks good.I would hope none would get on it, untill it got bigger, because they would eat all the leaves off in a few days. That would probally slow the growth of it down. If you have a tree that never has worms on it, you might try getting worms off of another tree and putting on yours. when the worm reach a certain stage, they leave the tree and burrow into the ground at the bottom of the tree, later becoming a moth which then lays eggs on your tree.

Anonymous said...

I am lucky enough to have a tree that has worms every year. They are a very good catfish bait!


Anonymous said...

The tree looks great. It has really grown. I'm glad you did't let me die LOL.


Anonymous said...

My dad probably has 120 trees we get worms off of to catfish with. The best way to put them up is to pour boiling water over them in a strainer this will make them draw up and the hide will be a little tougher. Then put them in zip-loc bags in Karo syrup and put them in the freezer they will keep and hold there color for a year or so like this..

Heath Thomas