Friday, July 24, 2009

Smarty Ain't No Dummy!

Family and Feists go hand in hand--Roger Littlejohn sent another picture of Pretty Boy Smarty and his grandson, Tanner. Smarty sneaked out to follow Roger and his lovely lady and their grandson on an evening stroll. Now, Roger had tried to scold him back to the house and Smarty acted like he was headin' that way but as soon as they were down the lane a ways, Smarty trotted right down after them. When they got to the 'heavy traffic' zone or what we call in Arky language, paved roadway, Smarty got a little lift up into the 'rumble' seat behind Tanner. He let the Littlejohn's know that Feists are part of the family. They want to be with you and love you!

Here's how Roger stated it in his email!
Yesterday, Pat & I took our newest grandson "Tanner" for a stroller ride. Although we left Smarty at the house with strict instructions to stay, well he figured out a short cut and all of a sudden he was walking behind us. That was OK on the back road, but when we got to a busier road, Pat placed him in the stroller's carry-all bin where he seemed to be perfectly content to ride :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roger you named that dog Good looking boy by the way.
