Sunday, October 28, 2007

Seattle Slew

Brown Sugar and Slew are running out. Sugar
treed several times yesterday. Slew did not
actually tree but she was there and I let her
carry this squirrel back to the house. I think
she will be treeing this week. She is a little
behind Tack, Wayne.


Anonymous said...

It will not take long once she gets started she will be hammering down in no time.She has the same build as Tack. Small head and a very muscular body. She is a beautiful dog.I hope she turns out to have some of the traits that Tack has. I don't know if I have ever had a dog that loves his master and want to please as much as Tack does.


Golden To Silver Val said...

I have a rat terrier and is THIS why she hates squirrels so much? I have never thought her to be vicious enough to kill one...maybe I should re-think things. LOL