Galla Mountain Feist Squirrel dogs love their life hunting squirrels in the Ozarks and Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas! Sharing photos of Mountain Feist squirrel dogs and Feist pups enjoying squirrel hunts, treeing squirrels and having an easy dog's life is the purpose of this blog! We offer treeing Mountain Feist Squirrel Dogs and Mountain Feist Puppies for sale! Check out our 5000 squirrel dog photos!
Steve Roark owns Amos now. We sold Amos to Mike Joyner who sold him to Steve. He is a pure McAndrews Feist.
Amos is a pleasure to hunt. He is a one bark locator and a stay put tree dog. He is an honest tree dog. When Amos trees you better cock the hammer because there's a squirrel up there somewhere! I like him. There are wider hunting dogs and harder tree dogs but Amos is consistent. He hunts deep enough to find a squirrel, gets treed, stays treed, and usually has the meat...consistent! I like that!
My pup from Amos is doing real good I have had her in the woods and she gets out there and looks around pretty good. she treed a squirrel the first time I took her out but did not bark. I have high hopes for her.
Amos is a pleasure to hunt. He is a one bark locator and a stay put tree dog. He is an honest tree dog. When Amos trees you better cock the hammer because there's a squirrel up there somewhere! I like him. There are wider hunting dogs and harder tree dogs but Amos is consistent. He hunts deep enough to find a squirrel, gets treed, stays treed, and usually has the meat...consistent! I like that!
Well, Larry took him to
the swamp
And said Amos Moses if
you don't tree
I will guarantee
You as alligator meat!
New technique in training
sq. dogs.
Mrs. R
My pup from Amos is doing real good
I have had her in the woods and she gets out there and looks around pretty good. she treed a squirrel the first time I took her out but did not bark. I have high hopes for her.
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