Saturday, November 24, 2007

Butchering Day

When the November cold comes it was time
to butcher the first hogs in the mountains. The
first photo is Pat McCormack on butchering day
in the late 1940s. The next two are of his grandson
on his butchering day. Pat said "eleven year old Garrison
Scott Brown, our first Grandson shot this buck at about
125 yards. He was hunting about eight miles NW of
Arapaho, OK. Don't know what kind of rifle he shot
but it was a . 223 cal. Last year he bagged a wild turkey
with a . 22 Marlin bolt action. His dad made him dress
the deer out. He got quite a bit of blood on his coveralls.
His Mom named him after his Garrison ancestors."
(Garrison and Pat are my distant cousins.)


Anonymous said...

I love to see young children get involved in hunting.


Anonymous said...

I remember butchering day at my grand mothers when I was young. all of my uncles and aunts helped and I enjoyed it very much. This photo brings back a lot of found memories.
