Monday, September 10, 2007

Radio Flyer Treed

After Old Rowdy passed away...all our male dogs were up
in Kennels...well, the neighbors Boston Terriers would come
up here each night so we have turned Radio out to tell them
to go home. He has a a few dog fights with them, but we have
not seen as much of I guess he is minding our door.

Well, it has cooled off and he has been treeing. We are glad
to own Radio Flyer. He is a full brother to Dummy, Otis, Clyde,
Raider? and Pete?. I am not so sure about Raider and Pete,
but the Prof from LA will know and maybe he will let correct

Opal is out of Radio and Spook! She is the only pup we have
from him. I think we will breed Sparky to him when she is
ready to have another litter of pups.


Anonymous said...

Pete is out of Dusty/Tabby.
Dummy is out of Dusty/Sally.
Raider is out of Otis/Dummy.
Spook is out of Marty/Dummy.
Otis, Dummy, Frosty, and Radio Flyer are all from the same cross. Carl Harris has a female from the same cross as Otis that is 7 years old now.

Prof from La.

Anonymous said...

Marty is out of Clyde/Babe.

Anonymous said...

Heck of a dog!