Monday, April 02, 2012

Sorry But....

Legend of the Dogwood tree!
An old and beautiful legend has it that, at the time of the crucifixion, the dogwood was comparable in size to the oak tree and other monarchs of the forest. Because of its firmness and strength it was selected as the timber for the cross, but to be put to such a cruel use greatly distressed the tree. Sensing this, the crucified Jesus in his gentle pity for the sorrow and suffering of all said to it: "Because of your sorrow and pity for My sufferings, never again will the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a gibbet. Henceforth it will be slender, bent and twisted and its blossoms will be in the form of a cross -- two long and two short petals. In the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints -- brown with rust and stained with red -- and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see this will remember.
Dobs is not going to have any pups this time. Patch has had three last night. I do not know what sex the three are. We are getting some breeding fee pups that we can fill a few of the orders and then....there is always fall. Betty says since she will be retired...we will try to have a litter with Opal and Tie and Dobs and Spud. If you are willing to wait until fall, we can fill all the orders! We do not control nature. Dobs and Patch were bred 2 times a day a part...sometimes things happen and we do not know why. I have learned not to question, but continue to go along and do my best! I will fill all the pup orders I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope the tiny one makes it! I am so happy patches had hers!