Monday, March 22, 2010

Arkansas Democrat Sportsman of Wk--3-21-10

A Galla Feist and his master made Sportsman of the Week in Sunday's Gazette--our State paper. Rodney Bowen sent 2 pictures of Sugar and the Bowen children. And gave us a heads up that he had sent the photo of Sugar with her first squirrel to the paper. We looked on Sunday and Joshua and Sugar's picture was the chosen one for Sportsman of the Week. Sugar (we called her Rowda) came here from Texas. Sugar's mother is Pris (Phillip Scroggins, owner, and Bruce Bilhovde, breeder). Pris is a granddaughter of Old Rowdy through her mother and her father is Dale, a son of Old Rowdy. Sugar's father is Galla Creek Dan. Dan is out of Romeo and Nogo Nell. Nell is a daughter of Old Rowdy. Romeo is out of our Galla Creek Bell, who is a granddaughter of Rowdy. Belle's father is Fred, brother of Dale. I guess you can see why we called Sugar Rowda and pronounced it Rhoda. Anyway, Old Rowdy would be proud that is Granddaughter made with papers with Joshua Bowen and their first squirrel.
Here is the email we got from Rodney Bowen: Thanks Rodney and please share again!
Mr. Larry, Hope you're doing well. I wish I had your tractor! We look at the blog every day.Sugar(Galla Creek Rowda} is our best friend, even Sophie our cat loves her.Sugar treed the first time Christmas week.She has caught at least 5 squirrels here at the house by herself !We are so grateful to have such a wonderful Feist. I've enclosed a picture of our Christmas Card and one of Sugar and Josh and their first Squirrel. I've also sent the picture of Josh and Sugar. I've also sent a picture to the Arkansas Democrat---so look for for them in the Sunday paper! Wouldn't it be great to have a Galla Creek Feist as the Sportsman of the Week!!!!!!!!


Sister--Helen said...

now that is a 'tailgate' picture I like...

Anonymous said...

Sounds likes that pups got a good home!
