Saturday, December 12, 2009


Sterling Earhart sent pictures of Greta. She is 7 months old out of Opal and Shooter. She is beginning to figure out what Sterling bought her for. His email is below. Thanks, Sterling for
remembering us with the pictures.
Hello Larry & Betty, Haven't sent ya'll a picture of Greta in a while. Littlejohn and I went hunting yesterday in the cold and Roger always brings his camera. He took these pictures of Greta that I thought you might like. I take her hunting about three days a week and she is coming along pretty good. She is hunting by sight and will timber one good and stay with it for a while won't bark yet but won't be long. She timbered one to a cedar tree the other day stayed with it till I got there I ran it out she timbered it on til Sam came to help her they finally treed it so I shot it out to them. Sterling


Anonymous said...

Way to go Sterling, Greta is looking good.


Roger said...

That little gal is going to make Sterling a fine squirrel dog.