Galla Mountain Feist Squirrel dogs love their life hunting squirrels in the Ozarks and Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas! Sharing photos of Mountain Feist squirrel dogs and Feist pups enjoying squirrel hunts, treeing squirrels and having an easy dog's life is the purpose of this blog! We offer treeing Mountain Feist Squirrel Dogs and Mountain Feist Puppies for sale! Check out our 5000 squirrel dog photos!
A secret about me that you may not know... is I love tractors about as much as I love squirrel dogs. Now I own over half a dozen tractors, but at times I have owned even more. My favorite is Farmall Cubs.
Nice Larry, come up north hunting this fall and run one of my favorites. 9650 J.D. combines, The steering tires are 5-6 feet high. It's fun for a couple hours but not so much 16-18 at a time for a couple months Dean
Nice Larry, come up north hunting this fall and run one of my favorites. 9650 J.D. combines, The steering tires are 5-6 feet high. It's fun for a couple hours but not so much 16-18 at a time for a couple months
We do have alot in common Larry I love tractors to and trains
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