Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Siggie has a new favorite!

Siggie and Cocoa (pup we got from Matt Howell out of Dixie and Rosco).

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

June Bug's in Tulsa Town

The Robert Eden's family of Tulsa came for June Bug. She will have access to Robert's friends pecan orchard's squirrel population. What more could a Feist want.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dixie/Rosco Pup

Trov and Sherry Vance traded one of their pups out of Shag Nasty for this little boy out of Dixie.
Dixie is Dobs daughter with Max. Dixie is really a small Feist, but she is a good squirrel dog. Tory said their pup was named, Rascal and they will call him Raz. We have a Dixie pup too! Ours is Cocoa. Both Raz and Cocoa are chocolate colored. Siggie has claimed Cocoa and we are going to keep her. Siggie wants to take her to her own house but we will see. She can have Cocoa here at our house if not at her own. She cried big tears when she said "Please, Please, don't sell Cocoa". So Cocoa will be here until Siggie gives the nod. Here is what Troy said about Raz! BTW Matt loves his Opal look alike Feist he got in trade for Raz!WE MET MATT YESTERDAY AND PICKED UP RASCAL HIS CALL NAME IS GOING TO BE RAZZ. HE IS ONE FINE LOOKING PUP.I KNOW HIS CHOCOLATE OR LIVER COLOR CAME FROM PEANUT. EVEN HIS GRANNY DOBS SAID HE WAS A GOOD LOOKER,BUT ON THE OTHER HAND SHE TOLD HIM HE WOULD HAVE TO ''COWBOY UP'' TO STAY AT MILL CREEK.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

South Carolina Joe & Belle

Below is Carolina Joe and above is Belle a couple of weeks back. She was after a snapping turtle. She does not know she is 13 when there is action. She is right in the middle of whatever is going on.
The family in South Carolina who are coming next weekend for Bonnie Belle Sent this photo of Joe. I think she said he is 10. Belle is 13 and still thinks she can do what the young dogs do.
Here is the email about Joe--Joe’s showing his age in the picture I sent you. In his younger days, he looked like a champion. Now he looks like an old champion. He’s a great dog and I’m very attached to him. Am hoping he will take to Bonnie Belle, he should as long as she doesn’t try to take possession of his dog house. He’ll let my poodle take food out of his mouth but he won’t let her in his dog house. How funny is that!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Vincent Todd's Hattie

Galla Lake 2010
Photo by Regina Phillips
Hattie (Dobs and Shooter) is only 4 months old. We received this email from Vincent about how she is doing--Hello Larry hope everything is going great. Just wanted to let you know believe it or not Hattie treed her first squirrel at four months old. She just gets better and better every time. She treed twice before that but could not find the squirrel. Will send pics as soon as I can. Thank you so much for breeding such good dogs. Its in there blood all you have to do is show them what you want.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Onyx, Arkansas

Chili weather is around the corner.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Dustin (seated) and Tristan Williams came Saturday and picked up July. She liked them and they returned the favor!

Three Stooges

Another look at Truck (white/red male), June (white/red female) and
April (white/brindle female). The white pup with black spots is sold.
These pups are out of Ellingson's Belle Starr (daughter of Spud) and Tie.
Ready to go now. Price $350

April, June and Truck

Several folks have asked to see the three pups we have for sale.
Two are females, April and June and the one male, Truck.
Truck is white and red. April white and brindle and June is
white with red. Truck has more red than June is a good way to tell them apart.
The fourth pup, Bonnie Belle, is sold to a family in South Carolina.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heath Thomas' Zoey

Heath Thomas of Baton Rouge sent pictures of Zoey. She is out of Dobs and Shooter.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Trip Around the World

We met Wayne Hawkins and got the 3 remaining Radio/Babe Oyl pups. Wayne's Uncle Jim Stiles road with him over to Nashville from Mineral Bluff, Ga. We left here at 4:00 A. M and met them at 10:00. One of the pups went to Turtletown, TN (Winston), Prince Albert was dropped off in West Memphis, TN where Lee Moore's mother and sister met us and got Lee's pup for him. Lee has Sadie Belle (full sister to Babe Oyl). This will be a great line match for Sadie.

I sure am proud of my pup Lucky Strike. She is in the photo with Lee's male. Viceroy was back in the bed of the truck exploring. I guess I could describe the pups as calm as a cucumber. I am crossing my fingers that Lucky will make a good one as I plan to keep her for my Kennel. I do have one pup (male) Viceroy to sell. Babe Oyl is out of Opal and Spud. Opal is out of Radio. Radio is a male son of Dusty and Sally. Radio is 10 and I am guessing this will be my last pup from him. I am dreaming that Lucky Strike will be just that! My Lucky Strike.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Zeke Picks A Friend

It is hard to own just one Feist. Clift and Gina Phillips came to pick a friend for Zeke and he picked Sally May. They are calling her Siggie Belle in honor of our own Sig Er Roo. Zeke is gorgeous and looks just like Spook, who is his Grandmother more than once.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday is a day of rest!

The middle pup, Sally May, has gone to a new home. Will post more details later. April Rain and June bug are dreaming of a family!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

June Bug

June Bug and Sig Er Roo! Two pretty little girls.

June Bug

The little red and white Feist is June Bug. She is with Bonnie Belle who is going to South Carolina. June is out of Tie and a daughter of Spud whose mother goes back to Max and Old Rowdy. Nothing but pure blood!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hoping Smarty will feel better soon

We received this email from Roger Littlejohn last week. Poor Smarty got snake bit twice. Here is Roger's email.
Surely hope Smarty is much better now!
Pretty Boy Smarty got bit on the side of the face by a Copperhead snake while hunting on August 28th. He did fine following a treatment of benadryl, but we noticed his left eye(the blue one) appeared to be getting infected, so Pat took him to the Vet this morning only to discover that he had been bitten twice. Evidently after the snake initially struck him on the side of the face, Smarty went back in after him and got bit around his left eye. One of the fangs entered the lower part of his eye, but missed the cornea etc. Vet says his eyesight is fine and will not be affected in any way following a round of antibiotics. They had to sedate him to check his eye and also found a large grass seed imbedded in his eye. He must have gotten the seed imbedded when he was scooting his face across the ground after the snake bite. At any rate, Pretty Boy Smarty is going to be fine with a little rest. Pat, who is an ER nurse, has him resting comfortably at home. She sent me this picture after returning from the Vet. He's sleeping off the sedation :-)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


When we send a Feist to a new home. What we want is for that dog to fill a position in the home being a valued family member. Second, we want him to at least get a chance to make the hunting dog that is in his genetics. Harley (the Phillips family call him Zeke) is going to get both.
Two boys to run a play with, Clif who works in the woods and loves the outdoors, and Gina who is a loving support to help it all happen. We are proud of Zeke's place in the Phillips' home. He is a full brother to Tommy Collin's Flint (younger litter). Here is the email we received.
Hello Mr.Renfroe

We saw the pictures of Dyna Glide on the blog a few days ago and we were
amazed at how much Zeke looks like her! He naps like her and all the other
mannerisms too!I have taken lots of pictures of him and I am sending some
"special ones" that really shows him off to you!

He is doing great! Spoiled rotten and the boss of the house. He is very
smart!He has been to the vet for all of his shots etc. and they really
think he is something. At his last vet trip he weighed 14and a half
pounds. Just wanted to let you know how he is and I will send pictures
soon!Thanks for letting us have Zeke!

Clif and Regina Phillips

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Storm's Going North

Storm is going to Minnesota. He is our last pup from Lacy J and Spud. He has Spud's easy going temperament and goes out exploring already. He was born the last of June.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Puppies, Puppies

We have more puppies available. These three are from Larry Ellingson's Belle Starr and Tie. Larry named his Belle after her Grandmother, here on Galla Creek. Belle's sire is Spud. We have two females--April and June Bug and one male, Truck available. Truck may be taken as someone is trying to decide if he wants Truck or July. We are singing a happy song here in the Meadow. We love having pups around for Siggie to come and play with and just watch them run and play and grow. Thanks to Troy and Sherry Vance, Matt, Larry and Wayne we are getting this pleasure without going through the whelping process! Our pups are $350 and these three are ready for homes now. I go outside and they start yelling at me, 'Let the puppies out'. Well, it is in puppy yelping talk but I usually do go open the gate.

Siggie informed me Sunday that she was charging $5.00 for her work.....all I could do was pay up.
Doesn't show up very well here, but those patches on April are brindle like her Grandfather, G. W. Carver. She has some brindle in back that also does not show.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Old Rowdy's Blood Flows On!

These photos are of Bonnie Belle and July, the two pups we got from Matt Howell. Their parents are Randi and Rosco. Randi is out of Spud and her mother is Lily. Lily is from Pris Wilkerson and Max. Pris' parents are Belle and Allar's Fred. Fred's sire is Old Rowdy. Bonnie Belle is going all the way to South Carolina, but July is still available. They are both adorable Feists and we sure want to get these two girls special homes. Bonnie's new owner has wanted a Galla Feist for years and we are proud she is getting one. Hope someone will thank July is special too! July is $350. She has had her first shot and is ready to go now! The post below shows them in 3 little videos!

Bonnie Belle and July

These little videos are of Bonnie Belle and July, the two pups we got from Matt Howell. Their parents are Randi and Rosco. Randi is out of Spud and her mother is Lily. Lily is from Pris Wilkerson and Max. Pris' parents are Belle and Allar's Fred. Fred's sire is Old Rowdy. Bonnie Belle is going all the way to South Carolina, but July is still available. They are both adorable Feists and we sure want to get these two girls special homes. Bonnie's new owner has wanted a Galla Feist for years and we are proud she is getting one. Hope someone will thank July is special too! July is $350. She has had her first shot and is ready to go now!
Bonnie Belle and July are exploring the front porch. They can't decide if they want to be up or down!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Matt's Maggie

This is Matt's new little girl that he got from Troy and Sherry Vance. She is out of Shag Nasty and Judge Roy Bean. Roy is out of Zipper and Radio. and Shag is out of Spud and Zipper I am pretty sure. Matt hunted Opal last winter and really liked her. I think he may be getting an Opal Clone! They sure look alike!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wayne and Gwen

Next week Wayne Hawkins and Gwen are going to the Bahamas! Hope they send us a picture.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Matt's Soooeeee

Matt sent this photo and I sure hope we get to hear the story behind it. Matt has Rosco and Dixie. Rosco is out of Spook and Peanut. Dixie's from Dobs and Max.