Friday, May 27, 2011

Buster Bushy Blast

Buster is out of Bonnie and Tie. He is figuring out what he is supposed to do. Here is Zach Kraft's email--

He found several today, but with the wind and all the leaves I couldn't find any of them. He put his nose up and started prancing like a deer, there was no doubt he was on another one. He got in some short pines and was looking up like one was timbering. I've had alot of trouble getting him to bark and had made up my mind I wouldn't shoot until he did. Ive been tying him to the tree to make him bark, but I couldn't do that with the squirrel on the run. So off we go through the pines, the squirrel wouldn't stop and Buster wouldn't bark. He finally yelped a little and I shot the squirrel. Very proud!! Zach


  1. Anonymous4:45 AM

    He is a nice little dog. How old is he?


  2. Matt, 8 months old. Cora was treed today in the squirrel pen. Jag and Cooper have treed too. This litter is doing well. These are just the 4 we know about.

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Sounds like the cross went really well. I bet ya'll do it again!



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